Personal Training


There’s about 1 million reasons to sign up for personal training sessions, but we’ll just give you three 😉

  • Accountability - Do you struggle with sticking to your plan? Personal training gives that extra layer of accountability. We set a time and place that works for your schedule and helps you to follow through with your goals.
  • Coaching - Personal training sessions allow for one-on-one REAL TIME coaching. Maybe you don’t feel confident with a movement, maybe you’re curious about a new exercise you saw online. Scheduling a session with a coach gives you the feedback you need in order to move with confidence.
  • Encouragement - This goes hand in hand with accountability. Maybe you’re not seeing the number on the scale move the direction you want it to. Maybe you’re still not hitting the weights you want to be hitting. One-on-one personal training gives you that boost of encouragement to keep going. Simply SHOWING UP is half the battle.

So how do you know what’s right for you? 

At SITP, we provide both In-Person and Online Personal Training Sessions that range from 30-60 minutes depending on your schedule and goals.

Have questions about what’s right for you? Contact us today!