Mallory Levin

Mallory Levin

Helping people to achieve what they didn’t think was possible

While I’ve been active my whole life, I haven’t LOVED fitness for that entire time. Growing up I was always in some sport; dance, softball, gymnastics, figure skating and I finally ended up sticking with soccer. Once out of school I floundered for a bit trying to find a way to stay active. I would find something, love it for a time, and then get bored or unmotivated and move to something else. I began distance running and yoga, and in 2015 I decided I wanted to share my love of yoga with others and became a certified yoga instructor. In 2016 I took my first CrossFit class, and that was all she wrote. I was hooked. I had never experienced something so challenging across every facet of my fitness. CrossFit was never boring, never the same, always challenging, and always fun.

In 2018 I began coaching CrossFit and my passion for fitness took root. Now my excitement wasn’t just based on my performance, it was about helping others to excel, to reach goals, and do things they never thought were possible. It’s with this attitude that I approach See It Through Performance. Helping people to achieve what they didn’t think was possible, pushing them to get to their goal of “healthy” or “fit,” and making the entire process enjoyable and exciting is my ultimate goal.


  • CrossFit Level 1 – (CFL1)
  • ACSM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)